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Trembling hands, I am afraid.
Smiling eyes, I am brave.
Spilling tears, I am angry.
Breathing belly, I am hopeful.
There's room for all of it.
I walk around

doing the day to day:
The dishes, the laundry,

so normal.
Carrying cancer with me.
I want to tuck myself

into a ball,
relinquish my bravery,

give in to sadness.
I want to run miles,

insistent on hope.
I want to tell everyone

how many emotions

I am carrying.
I want to be silent and

not tell a soul.
There's room for all of it.

Wet Wings: Writings on Breast Cancer

Write to heal. Move to recover. Sharon grew up with her father's two cancers. She has been writing since childhood to heal from depression, panic and anxiety. Three days before her father passed away, Sharon was diagnosed with breast cancer. Wet Wings is her book of poems about Sharon's first month of struggle with this disease. The book is hand bound and features paintings by Sharon and her daughter, Gillian.


100% of your purchase of this book will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Visit here for more on the Wet Wings project.

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